Nationalsozialistische deutsche arbeiterpartei wikipedia. Rzady nsdap charakteryzowaly sie terrorem politycznym, totalna. Originally the name of the party was the german workers party dap, but on the same day as the announced party program it was renamed the nsdap. Nsdap 25 points manifesto simple english wikipedia, the. March 5 n25 and the second from october 31november 5 n44. Gottfried feders pamphlet on the overview of the nsdap s programme.
Zusammenfassung geschichte europa deutschland nationalsozialismus, ii. Composed by adolf hitler in 1920, the 25 points outlines the political platform of the nazi party and remained mostly unchanged from 1920 through hitlers demise in 1945. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the authors and do not. On ferbruary 24th, 1920, the first great mass meeting under the auspices of the new movement took place. Manual to target both younger and older gang members. They were publically presented on 24 february 1920 to a crowd of almost two thousand and every single point was accepted amid jubilant approval.
The national socialist program, also known as the 25point program or the 25point plan german. Februar 1920 vor etwa 2000 personen im munchner hofbrauhaus. Gottfried feder the program of the nsdap the national. Als moglichkeit zur selbstkontrolle konnen losungsseiten erstellt werden. Mein kampf, volume ii, chapter i hitler explained their purpose in the fifth chapter of the second volume of mein kampf. Bachelorarbeit, masterarbeit, hausarbeit oder dissertation. Franz eher, successor munich the program of the nsdap the program is the political foundation of the nsdap and accordingly the primary political law of the state. Nationalsozialistische deutsche arbeiterpartei, nsdap niemiecka partia nazistowska. Evaluation of the riverside comprehensive community.
Those whom we know about, the miserable manual laborers of the slaughter. Deutsche arbeiterpartei, petit groupuscule nationaliste et antisemite sans influence et semblable a bien dautres, dans une allemagne dapres. Former neonazi skinhead tim zaal, who discussed his experiences as a former. Unterrichtsstunde bestandteilen rechtsextremer ideologien zu. The 25point program of the nsdap the mein kampf project at. The purpose of the 25 points was explained in the fifth chapter of the second volume of mein kampf. The twentyfive points political platform of the original nsdap. En janvier 1919, le serrurier anton drexler fonda a munich le parti ouvrier allemand ou dap en allemand. Its a brass match safe for wooden matches and features the early national socialist eagle. The 25 point programme seeking to revise the terms of the treaty of versailles aimed at improving the countrys economy intending to improve education standards aimed at restricting civil liberties personal freedom anticapitalist against big business and industry nationalist antisemitic anti jewish. The 25point program of the nsdap the mein kampf project. Adolf hitler announced the partys program on 24 february 1920 before. Le programme en 25 points du parti ouvrier allemand nationalsocialiste en allemand.
During his interrogation may 31, 1960, in trial of adolf eichmann n. The following is from the opening of mein kampf, volume 2, chapter 1. Februar 1920 im munchner hofbrauhaus vortrug bayerisches hauptstaatsarchiv, plakatsammlung. Franz eher, successor munich the program of the nsdap the program is the political foundation of the nsdap and. The nsdap 25 points manifesto is a 25point plan written by anton drexler and edited by adolf hitler for the national socialist german workers party nsdap, nazi party, when it was founded in 1920. The 25 points of the national socialist party program were written by adolf hitler and anton drexler. We demand the unification of all germans in the greater germany on the basis of the right of selfdetermination of peoples. Nsdap 25 punkter, skabelsen af professionelle komiteer, og. The national socialist program, also known as the 25point program or the 25point plan. Volksgenosse kann nur sein wer deutschen blutes ist kein jude kann daher volksgenosse sein. The 25 points of the nsdap program were composed by adolf hitler and anton drexler. This is part of a complete online history, the rise of adolf hitler from unknown to dictator of germany, at the history place.
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